Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 43 | VOL.25 N°3 (2024) Septiembre - Diciembre
Bronchopulmonary sequestration (BPS) is a
rare congenital malformation characterized
by a mass of nonfunctional lung tissue that
does not communicate with the tracheo-
bronchial tree and receives an abnormal
vascular blood supply from the systemic
There is a paucity of epidemiological studies
on SBP despite it ranking second as the most
common congenital pulmonary malforma-
tion, accounting for 0.15–8.3%; 0.42/10,000
live births in China between 2010-20199. Two
different theories have been proposed to
explain the pathophysiological mechanisms
of congenital bronchopulmonary malfor-
mations. The environmental hypothesis su-
ggests that a persistent expression of early
markers of lung development, caused by
potential genetic defects, could lead to a
focal and temporal disruption of lung mor-
phogenesis. More recent histological studies
of lung malformations have suggested an
obstructive hypothesis: focal obstruction of
the respiratory tree, whether functional (pe-
ristalsis abnormality) or organic (bronchial
stenosis), would generate an increase in
mediators and cause CPAM abnormalities.
Currently, the modes and timing of obstruc-
tive events are poorly understood10.
Stocker et al. They initially identified three
stages through macroscopic and microsco-
pic description, which led to the first clas-
sification (type 1, the most common form,
with large cysts containing mucous cells,
type 2 with multiple small cysts and possi-
bly other associated anomalies), type 3 with
bulky solid-appearing lesions and frequently
displaced mediastinum), which would later
be updated by adding type 0 or acinar
dysplasia, which is usually fatal, and type 4,
which is an acinar malformation characte-
rized by cysts of various sizes. , covered by
alveolar cells type 1 and 2 without mucous
It generally occurs in early stages of life, al-
though cases have been reported in adul-
thood where it can manifest acutely and
with symptoms such as respiratory difficulty,
recurrent pneumonia, frequent infections,
presence of purulent sputum, hemopty-
sis and in cases unusual, hemothorax and
heart failure11.
Polyhydramnios may also occur secondary
to compression of the esophagus by the
intrathoracic mass and pleural effusion (hy-
drothorax or fetal chylothorax), which usua-
lly resolves when the compression subsides,
either due to spontaneous involution, percu-
taneous chemical sclerosis, or laser sclerosis
of the nutrient vessel. Our case progressed
from mild polyhydramnios (MBV: 9.1 cm) to
severe oligohydramnios (MBV: 1 cm) spon-
taneously in 4 weeks with resorption of the
pleural effusion.
Advances in ultrasound technology and
the widespread use of prenatal ultrasound
have resulted in increased identification of
congenital pulmonary airway malforma-
tions during pregnancy. This has led to a
better understanding of how some of these
anomalies evolve naturally and has opened
up the possibility of making preparations
for childbirth and post-birth care, and even
in severe cases, providing prenatal treat-
ment12–14. In the literature related to surgery,
pathology, and imaging, various terms are
used to describe lung abnormalities present
at birth. For this reason Kellenberg et al. In
their 2020 study, they concluded and pro-
posed a classification based on the findings
of specialized fetal lung MRI can accurately
identify, localize and categorize congenital
anomalies of the pulmonary digestive tract,
with high accuracy and very good agree-
ment between readers15, however this was
not used in our case.
In other studies, excellent agreement was
observed in relation to MRI results, even
between residents and radiologists with
more than 10 years of experience, which
shows reliable and comparable values for
each finding considered, with the exception
of identification of venous drainage. Des-
pite the high diagnostic reliability of MRI
for bronchopulmonary sequestration, iden-
tifying the venous drainage branch repre-
sents the most difficult challenge in diag-
nosis; However, it was recognized mainly
by the most experienced radiologists, who
Reporte de Caso