Perinatal results of conservative management in fetal
bronchopulmonary sequestration. Report of a case
Resultados perinatales del manejo prenatal conservador
en secuestro broncopulmonar fetal. Reporte de un caso
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría
Editorial: Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Pediatría (Núcleo de Quito, Ecuador)
Tipo de estudio: Reporte de Caso
Área de estudio: Pediatría
Páginas: 37-45
Codígo DOI:
Introduction: Congenital bronchopulmonary malformations are rare but potentially fatal anomalies in fetuses
and newborns. They require urgent diagnostic evaluation from the prenatal and neonatal period. In 5.9% of
cases, the lesion resolves spontaneously. The scarcity of evidence on its natural evolution has generated diver-
gences in the management strategies of prenatal cases and of asymptomatic neonates, which results in an
always controversial issue. Prenatal regression is common in cases diagnosed before birth, and most children
without symptoms beyond the neonatal period will remain symptom-free throughout infancy. The lack of sta-
tistical information in our country, and in our center, and the scarcity of comparative studies on the different
therapeutic methods available, make it difficult to formulate unique prenatal therapeutic protocols. We present
a clinical case attended from the prenatal period at the University Hospital of Guayaquil in the year 2023 with
expectant management of the fetus and resolution of maternal comorbidities with favorable perinatal outco-
me. Of note is the spontaneous regression from mild polyhydramnios to severe oligohydramnios in 4 weeks,
Reporte de Caso
Adriel Sarduy Sieres2, Joselyn Lissette Navarrete Moncayo1, Carolina Pedron Paiva2,
Maria Paz Valdivieso Uriguen2, Joffre Enrique Zavala Cárdenas3, Granizo Gabriela4
1. Postgraduate resident doctor in Gynecology and Obstetrics. Santiago de Guayaquil Catholic University.
2. Physician specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University Gynecological, Obstetric and Pediatric Hos-
pital of Guayaquil. Ministry of Public Health. Guayaquil. Ecuador.
3. Physician specializing in Pediatrics. Dr. Roberto Gilbert Elizalde Children’s Hospital. Charity Board. Guayaquil.
4. Medical specialist in Medical Imaging. Guayaquil University Hospital. Ministry of Public Health. Ecuador.
Adriel Sarduy Sieres
Joselyn Lissette Navarrete Moncayo
Carolina Pedron Paiva
Maria Paz Valdivieso Uriguen
Joffre Enrique Zavala Cárdenas
Granizo Gabriela
Correspondencia: Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil. Guayaquil Gynecological, Obstetric and Pediatric
Recibido: 10/feb/2024 - Aceptado: 12/abril/2024 - Publicado: 30/sep/2024
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 38 | VOL.25 N°3 (2024) Septiembre - Diciembre
simultaneous with the resolution of the fetal pleural effusion and the rearrangement of the structures of the
fetal mediastinum, previously displaced by the tumor and the tension hydrothorax. Clinical case: A 32-year-
old multiparous patient detected late with a pregnancy of 30.1 weeks of gestation complicated by maternal
syphilis and fetal bronchopulmonary sequestration (BPS) with pleural effusion and severe displacement of the
fetal mediastinum to the right, without fetal hemodynamic compromise. Diagnoses confirmed by obstetric ul-
trasounds, serial fetal Doppler and fetal MRI. It evolves with mild polyhydramnios and is managed expectantly
until 37 weeks when, after spontaneous resolution of the hydrothorax, it progresses to severe oligohydramnios
and is completed by segmental cesarean section. The neonate receives a thoracotomy with resection of the
lung mass at 7 days after birth and the diagnosis is confirmed by pathology. Conclusions: We present a cli-
nical case of a rare fetal pathology in all its types worldwide and underdiagnosed in our environment, treated
late at 30.1 weeks of gestation with multiple maternal-fetal comorbidities with spontaneous improvement in the
prenatal period, largely managed expectantly. due to the diagnostic and therapeutic challenges faced, in the
absence of a fetal medicine and surgery service in the area. Despite this, expectant fetal management is an
internationally valid option, with very favorable results in most cases without hydrops or other signs of fetal
heart failure. Comparative studies of different prenatal management methods are lacking partly due to the
rarity of the pathology; In our environment, its dispersion and late prenatal diagnosis with poor accessibility to
subspecialists in maternal-fetal medicine and fetal surgery can negatively influence perinatal outcomes..
Keywords: Bronchopulmonary sequestration (BPS); Congenital adenomatous cystic airway malformation (CAM);
Congenital pulmonary malformation (CPM); preserved treatment; hybrid lesions; prenatal.
Introducción: Las malformaciones broncopulmonares congénitas son anomalías raras pero potencialmente
fatales en fetos y recién nacidos. Requieren evaluación diagnóstica urgente desde el período prenatal y neo-
natal. En el 5,9% de los casos, la lesión se resuelve espontáneamente. La escasez de evidencia sobre su evolu-
ción natural ha generado divergencias en las estrategias de manejo de los casos prenatales y de los neonatos
asintomáticos, lo que resulta en un tema siempre controversial. La regresión prenatal es común en los casos
diagnosticados antes del nacimiento, y la mayoría de los niños sin síntomas más allá del período neonatal
permanecerán asintomáticos durante toda la infancia. La falta de información estadística en nuestro país, y en
nuestro centro, y la escasez de estudios comparativos sobre los diferentes métodos terapéuticos disponibles,
dificultan la formulación de protocolos terapéuticos prenatales únicos. Presentamos un caso clínico atendido
desde el período prenatal en el Hospital Universitario de Guayaquil en el año 2023 con manejo expectante
del feto y resolución de las comorbilidades maternas con resultado perinatal favorable. Destaca la regresión
espontánea de polihidramnios leve a oligohidramnios severo en 4 semanas, simultáneo con la resolución del
derrame pleural fetal y el reordenamiento de las estructuras del mediastino fetal, previamente desplazadas
por el tumor y el hidrotórax a tensión. Caso clínico: Paciente multípara de 32 años detectada tardíamente
con embarazo de 30.1 semanas de gestación complicado con sífilis materna y secuestro broncopulmonar
(SBP) fetal con derrame pleural y desplazamiento severo del mediastino fetal a la derecha, sin compromiso
hemodinámico fetal. Diagnósticos confirmados por ecografías obstétricas, Doppler fetal seriado y resonancia
magnética fetal. Evoluciona con polihidramnios leve y se maneja expectante hasta las 37 semanas cuando,
tras resolución espontánea del hidrotórax, progresa a oligohidramnios severo y se completa mediante cesárea
segmentaria. El neonato recibe una toracotomía con resección de la masa pulmonar a los 7 días de nacido
y el diagnóstico se confirma por patología. Conclusiones: Presentamos un caso clínico de una patología fetal
rara en todos sus tipos a nivel mundial y subdiagnosticada en nuestro medio, tratada tardíamente a las 30.1
semanas de gestación con múltiples comorbilidades materno-fetales con mejoría espontánea en el periodo
prenatal, manejada en gran medida de manera expectante debido a los retos diagnósticos y terapéuticos que
se enfrentan, en ausencia de un servicio de medicina y cirugía fetal en la zona. A pesar de ello, el manejo
fetal expectante es una opción válida a nivel internacional, con resultados muy favorables en la mayoría de
los casos sin hidrops ni otros signos de insuficiencia cardiaca fetal. Faltan estudios comparativos de diferentes
métodos de manejo prenatal en parte por la rareza de la patología; en nuestro medio, su dispersión y diag-
nóstico prenatal tardío con poca accesibilidad a subespecialistas en medicina materno-fetal y cirugía fetal
pueden influir negativamente en los resultados perinatales..
Palabras Clave: Secuestro Broncopulmonar (BPS), Malformación quística adenomatosa congénita de las
vías respiratorias (CPAM), Malformación Pulmonar Congénita (CPM), tratamiento preservado, lesiones híbridas,
Reporte de Caso
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 39 | VOL.25 N°3 (2024) Septiembre - Diciembre
Congenital bronchopulmonary malforma-
tions are rare, but potentially fatal anomalies
in fetuses and newborns, and require urgent
diagnostic evaluation from the prenatal and
neonatal period, which is easily performed
by obstetric ultrasound in the first trimester
as the method of choice1,2. Bronchopulmo-
nary sequestration (PS), congenital cystic
adenomatous malformation (CCAM), con-
genital lobar emphysema (CLE) and bron-
chogenic cyst (BC) are the four main con-
genital cystic lesions, but they share similar
embryological and clinical characteristics3,4.
Defined as a heterogeneous group of solid
intrathoracic pulmonary masses that cause
lesions of dysfunctional lung tissue and that
in the case of bronchopulmonary seques-
tration will be supplied by an arterial vessel
branch of the thoracoabdominal aorta 5,
generally easy to visualize by color Doppler
and being more difficult to detect . evaluate
its venous drainage even by fetal MRI. The
Great Ormond Street Hospital in London
described one of the largest series to date
on these pathologies in 2017. They analyzed
the long-term evolution of 119 cases trea-
ted at the institution (18 years). Of these,
43% (51 patients) underwent surgery, mainly
due to respiratory infections. 57% (68 pa-
tients) received conservative treatment for
an average of 9.9 years. In 5.9% (4 patients),
the lesion resolved spontaneously. 76% (52
patients) continue to be followed up and
remain asymptomatic, without presenting
The scarcity of evidence on the natural
evolution of these congenital respiratory
tract malformations has resulted in a di-
vergence in the management strategy of
asymptomatic cases, making it undoubtedly
a controversial topic6,7. Prenatal regression
is common in cases diagnosed prenata-
lly, 5 and the majority of children who do
not present symptoms beyond the neonatal
period will remain symptom-free throughout
their childhood, with hemoptysis and respi-
ratory infections being the main causes of
active behaviors. Future analysis with lon-
ger follow-up could provide new insights to
identify children at risk of developing symp-
In our country, statistical information in this
regard is insufficient and is often disper-
sed in small series, mostly postnatal studies
of pediatric surgery. In 2022, a group of
pediatric surgery residents at the Catholic
University of Santiago de Guayaquil men-
tion that they did not find previous studies
that relate 2 therapeutic methods, such as
lesion resection vs. endovascular or percu-
taneous embolization 8 . Until 2019, Cruz et
al 5 carried out a review in which of 150
articles from various databases they chose
only 29 in which a combination of prenatal
diagnosis and fetal treatment was found,
which justifies the difficulty in stating prena-
tal therapeutic protocols. unique.
Clinical case
Information of the Patiente
We present a 32-year-old, multiparous pa-
tient with 4 births and 3 previous abortions
and intergenic period of 4 years, with a his-
tory of syphilis since her second pregnancy,
having received incomplete treatment on 2
occasions. Received due to a clinical pictu-
re of threatened preterm labor secondary
to vaginosis and recurrent urinary tract in-
fection during pregnancy; At 30 weeks with
1/7 day of gestation, with insufficient pre-
natal controls and obstetric ultrasounds, a
diagnosis of fetal left pleural effusion was
Clinical Findings
Afebrile, hydrated, hemodynamically sta-
ble patient given BP: 101/73 mmHg, HR: 90
bpm, RR: 21 rpm, O2 saturation: 99%, Tem-
perature: 36.3°C and alert level of cons-
ciousness. Size: 153 cm, weight: 50 kg. The
obstetric physical examination revealed ute-
rine height: 33 cm, single fetus, longitudinal
left dorsum, cephalic, FHR: 156 bpm, regular
uterine dynamics: 3/10 minutes/45 seconds/
baseline 10 mmHg/85 mmHg. Erythematous
external genitalia with yellow-green leucorr-
hoea, thick, fluid, fetid, abundant, also con-
Reporte de Caso
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 40 | VOL.25 N°3 (2024) Septiembre - Diciembre
firmed by speculoscopy where amniorrhea
did not appear with any maneuver through
the OCE of the cervix of the multiparous
woman presented to us.
Diagnostic Evaluation
Clinical laboratories:
Leukocytes 14300, neutrophils 78%. Reacti-
ve syphilis, VDRL positive with 1/16 dilutions,
non-reactive HIV. Pathological urinalysis
with abundant leukocytes (uncountable)
and positive nitrites with pH>7.3. Glucose: 73
mg/d . Direct examination of vaginal dis-
charge not available. Negative emergency
Emergency obstetric ultrasound:
Image 1. Solid mass in left fetal hemihtorax
in a sagital plane. B mode.
Single, longitudinal, live fetus, left anterior
dorsum, high and mobile head, active and
reactive fetal movements. FHR: 153 bpm.
Male sex. DBP: 62.4mm. DC: 294.9 mm.
DOF: 100.6 mm. AC: 298.3mm. LF: 62mm.
DTC: 42.5mm. CM: 8.3 mm.DC/AC: 0.99,
LF/AC: 20.78. PFE: 1957 grams. EG/US: 32
weeks and 6/7 days. ILA 21.8 cms that pro-
gresses to 24 cms at 2 weeks, and MBV:
9.1 cms. Ultrasound finding: a slightly hype-
rechogenic mass is seen that occupies the
basal 1/3 of the left hemithorax, with regular
borders of 43.9 mm by 42.0 mm (Image 1
and 2), without macroscopic cystic images
in its echo structure, which is irrigated by a
large-caliber nutrient vessel branch of the
descending thoracic aorta (Illustration 3).
Image 2. Solid mass in fetal left hemithorax.
Corte transversal. B mode.
Image 3. Central artery. Transvers plane.
Doppler color.
Reporte de Caso
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 41 | VOL.25 N°3 (2024) Septiembre - Diciembre
Image 4. Fetal bronchopulmonary seques-
tration with pleural effusion.
Image 5. Fetal MRI: Pleural effusion in the
case of fetal bronchopulmonary sequestra-
tion (left: Transverse section), partial sponta-
neous reabsorption (sagittal section).
Therapeutic Intervention
We began prescribing empirical vaginosis
therapy with clindamycin 100 mg vaginally
(suppositories) QD, for 6 days followed by
lactobacilli acidophilus (Vaginal Tablets 0.03
Mg) for 6 days. Additionally, Fosfomycin 3
grams orally in a single dose is indicated
while awaiting urine culture results. Similarly,
nifedipine 10 mg PO TID for 72 hours and
progesterone 200 mg PO, QD, for 10 days
are prescribed. We evaluated the patient
weekly with partial improvement and even
without urine culture results, it was decided
to administer cephalexin 500 mg PO, QD
for 7 days. During this time, the patients
referral to the National Center for Maternal
Fetal Medicine in the city of Quito is coor-
dinated. The patient does not receive the
complete medication prescription despite
having it available, nor does she go to the
referral center, presenting irregular evolution
with recurrence of uterine dynamics. In ad-
dition, a complete induction scheme of fetal
lung maturation is placed with betametha-
sone 12 mg IM, QD for 2 doses.
At 33.1 weeks of gestation, she was admi-
tted to the emergency room with regular
intense uterine contractions that initially did
not improve with rehydration or the ad-
ministration of tocolytics at the emergency
therapeutic doses indicated, but then while
waiting for a surgical appointment, the dy-
namics subsided with nifedipine PO 3 doses.
(10mg/10mg/20mg) and magnesium sulfate
IV for 12 hours, which led to his transfer
to the High Obstetric Risk room, where he
received intravenous treatment with ampi-
cillin 1g QID for 7 days and clindamycin 100
mg vaginally for 6 days, improving substan-
tially. . Due to the obstetric, psychosocial
and perinatal risk, they remain hospitalized
awaiting referral to the National Center for
Fetal Medicine in the city of Quito. During
this time, the therapeutic regimen for syphi-
lis was completed with benzathine penicillin
2.4 million IM weekly for 3 weeks with sub-
sequent serological control reporting reacti-
ve syphilis, but with non-reactive VDRL and
dilutions of 1/6 (initially 1/16).
Termination of Pregnancy and Neona-
tal Evolution
At 37 weeks of gestation due to severe
oligohydramnios (ILA: 2 cm / MBV: 1 cm), it
was decided to terminate the pregnancy
electively via segmental cesarean section
Reporte de Caso
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 42 | VOL.25 N°3 (2024) Septiembre - Diciembre
Image 6. Neonatal CT showing an intra-
thoracic mas with suspected bronchopul-
monary sequestration (Transverse section).
in which the absence of amniotic fluid was
confirmed, obtaining a live male newborn
with Apgar 8- 9 at one minute and 5 minu-
tes, does not require stimulation and tran-
sitions to attachment and breastfeeding in
the immediate postpartum period without
complications. During hospitalization, a sim-
ple chest tomography was performed on
the neonate, revealing a solid mass in the
posterior segments of the left lower lobe
(Illustration 5).
Due to bronchopulmonary infection and
acute respiratory distress, the neonate was
transferred to neonatal intensive care at the
Dr. Roberto Gilbert Elizalde Children’s Hos-
pital of the Guayaquil Charity Board. Af-
ter stabilizing the patient ventilatorily and
hemodynamically, it was decided to per-
form a thoracotomy and resection of the
mass, after which a successful recovery was
obtained and the patient was discharged
from the institution 7 days after the surgical
procedure without presenting other com-
plications (Illustration 6 and 7). And finally,
the result of the histopathological study is
obtained that confirms the initial suspicion
of extralobar bronchopulmonary sequestra-
tion of the lower lobe of the left lung with
a single central nutrient vessel, bronchioli-
zation of the alveolar epithelium, lymphan-
giectasia and vascular congestion.
Reporte de Caso
Image 7. Anatomical piece, extralobar
bronchopulmonary sequestration.
Image 8. IPostoperative radiography.
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 43 | VOL.25 N°3 (2024) Septiembre - Diciembre
Bronchopulmonary sequestration (BPS) is a
rare congenital malformation characterized
by a mass of nonfunctional lung tissue that
does not communicate with the tracheo-
bronchial tree and receives an abnormal
vascular blood supply from the systemic
There is a paucity of epidemiological studies
on SBP despite it ranking second as the most
common congenital pulmonary malforma-
tion, accounting for 0.15–8.3%; 0.42/10,000
live births in China between 2010-20199. Two
different theories have been proposed to
explain the pathophysiological mechanisms
of congenital bronchopulmonary malfor-
mations. The environmental hypothesis su-
ggests that a persistent expression of early
markers of lung development, caused by
potential genetic defects, could lead to a
focal and temporal disruption of lung mor-
phogenesis. More recent histological studies
of lung malformations have suggested an
obstructive hypothesis: focal obstruction of
the respiratory tree, whether functional (pe-
ristalsis abnormality) or organic (bronchial
stenosis), would generate an increase in
mediators and cause CPAM abnormalities.
Currently, the modes and timing of obstruc-
tive events are poorly understood10.
Stocker et al. They initially identified three
stages through macroscopic and microsco-
pic description, which led to the first clas-
sification (type 1, the most common form,
with large cysts containing mucous cells,
type 2 with multiple small cysts and possi-
bly other associated anomalies), type 3 with
bulky solid-appearing lesions and frequently
displaced mediastinum), which would later
be updated by adding type 0 or acinar
dysplasia, which is usually fatal, and type 4,
which is an acinar malformation characte-
rized by cysts of various sizes. , covered by
alveolar cells type 1 and 2 without mucous
It generally occurs in early stages of life, al-
though cases have been reported in adul-
thood where it can manifest acutely and
with symptoms such as respiratory difficulty,
recurrent pneumonia, frequent infections,
presence of purulent sputum, hemopty-
sis and in cases unusual, hemothorax and
heart failure11.
Polyhydramnios may also occur secondary
to compression of the esophagus by the
intrathoracic mass and pleural effusion (hy-
drothorax or fetal chylothorax), which usua-
lly resolves when the compression subsides,
either due to spontaneous involution, percu-
taneous chemical sclerosis, or laser sclerosis
of the nutrient vessel. Our case progressed
from mild polyhydramnios (MBV: 9.1 cm) to
severe oligohydramnios (MBV: 1 cm) spon-
taneously in 4 weeks with resorption of the
pleural effusion.
Advances in ultrasound technology and
the widespread use of prenatal ultrasound
have resulted in increased identification of
congenital pulmonary airway malforma-
tions during pregnancy. This has led to a
better understanding of how some of these
anomalies evolve naturally and has opened
up the possibility of making preparations
for childbirth and post-birth care, and even
in severe cases, providing prenatal treat-
ment12–14. In the literature related to surgery,
pathology, and imaging, various terms are
used to describe lung abnormalities present
at birth. For this reason Kellenberg et al. In
their 2020 study, they concluded and pro-
posed a classification based on the findings
of specialized fetal lung MRI can accurately
identify, localize and categorize congenital
anomalies of the pulmonary digestive tract,
with high accuracy and very good agree-
ment between readers15, however this was
not used in our case.
In other studies, excellent agreement was
observed in relation to MRI results, even
between residents and radiologists with
more than 10 years of experience, which
shows reliable and comparable values for
each finding considered, with the exception
of identification of venous drainage. Des-
pite the high diagnostic reliability of MRI
for bronchopulmonary sequestration, iden-
tifying the venous drainage branch repre-
sents the most difficult challenge in diag-
nosis; However, it was recognized mainly
by the most experienced radiologists, who
Reporte de Caso
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 44 | VOL.25 N°3 (2024) Septiembre - Diciembre
managed to correctly distinguish between
the intralobar and extralobar forms in a
higher percentage of cases than the other
Some studies show that patients who pre-
sented symptoms had an unfavorable out-
come (longer stay in the intensive care
unit and higher incidence of postoperative
complications) compared to patients who
did not present symptoms, which raises
the question from the prenatal period. The
main limitation of most studies is that they
are carried out retrospectively and that the
number of patients included is generally li-
mited by their dispersion and/or diagnostic
limitations or access to subspecialists in ma-
ternal-fetal medicine and fetal surgery.
Prenatal diagnosis and treatment studies
are very limited in our country largely due
to the fact that there are only 2 Fetal The-
rapy centers in the countrys public sector
(both in the capital Quito), as well as sig-
nificant diagnostic limitations in our center.
There is at least one study in the literatu-
re that compares two therapeutic options
in the neonatal period; however, we did
not find any national prospective studies in
this regard. In our case, the main limitation
to achieving the desired goal of 39 weeks
and early hospitalization due to therapeutic
non-compliance on the part of the patient,
with no apparent impact on the outcome
of the pregnancy. It is recommended to
carry out prospective studies with a more
representative sample of patients to deter-
mine more clearly which is the best the-
rapeutic option8, as well as to streamline
the flow of patients and their early access
to medical services subspecialized in fetal
Patient perspective
The patient was always satisfied with the
diagnostic, therapeutic and follow-up plan
established and give us all permission to
use the information related to her son cli-
nical case. After almost having to end the
pregnancy at 33 weeks and keeping the
patient hospitalized for the next 4 weeks
with her consent and that of her closest
relatives, I managed to understand the
real life options of her future child, and the
possible complications. immediate neonatal
measures that included both a satisfactory
spontaneous evolution and neonatal sur-
gery since we did not have the option of
fetal surgery in the province. She expressed
gratitude at every moment of the care and
follow-up process and provided consent for
the use of all the information in the case,
including personal data, spontaneously and
in full use of her faculties.
The article is prepared without any external
financing and without conflict of interest du-
ring writing. The patient did not request any
payment for the use and publication of the
clinical information about her pregnancy.
Reporte de Caso
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Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 45 | VOL.25 N°3 (2024) Septiembre - Diciembre
Para referenciar aplique esta cita:
Sarduy Sieres A, Navarrete Moncayo JL, Pedron Paiva C, Valdivieso Uriguen MP, Zavala Cárdenas
JE, Gabriela G. Resultados perinatales del manejo prenatal conservador en secuestro broncopulmonar fetal.
Reporte de un caso. REV-SEP [Internet]. 20 de noviembre de 2024; 25(3):37-45. Disponible en: https://rev-sep.
Reporte de Caso
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