Beyond stethoscopes: Advancing Diagnostic Precision in
Pediatric Cardiology A narrative review
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría
Editorial: Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Pediatría (Núcleo de Quito, Ecuador)
Tipo de estudio: Artículo Original
Área de estudio: Pediatría
Páginas: 46-53
Codígo DOI:
Auscultation, a diagnostic method with a rich history dating back to the time of Hippocrates, has long been
a fundamental approach to identifying pediatric heart diseases. Despite its historical significance, the challen-
ge of distinguishing innocent murmurs from those indicating structural heart defects in neonates persists, with
conditions such as aortic stenosis, pulmonary stenosis, and atrial septal defect potentially being misinterpreted
as innocent murmurs, highlighting the limitations of traditional methods. Although cardiac auscultation remains
a cost-effective pre-screening tool, its effectiveness is further hindered by the subjectivity and expertise requi-
red for interpretation. A global comparison of auscultation skills among internal medicine trainees revealed
suboptimal performance, emphasizing the need for innovative solutions. The integration of technology and
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in pediatric cardiology offers a promising avenue for enhancing diagnostic accuracy
and patient care. This paper explores the transformative impact of technology and AI in diagnostic cardiology
addressing the limitations of traditional auscultation.
Key Words: artificial intelligence, echocardiography, heart auscultation, heart disease, heart sound analysis.
La auscultación, un método de diagnóstico con una rica historia que se remonta a la época de Hipócrates,
ha sido durante mucho tiempo un enfoque fundamental para identificar enfermedades cardíacas pediátricas.
A pesar de su importancia histórica, el desafío de distinguir los soplos inocentes de los que indican defectos
cardíacos estructurales en los neonatos persiste, y afecciones como la estenosis aórtica, la estenosis pulmonar
Muhammad Tayyab Ijaz1; Namra Ijaz2
Recibido: 10/ene/2024 - Aceptado: 12/marz/2024 - Publicado: 30/agos/2024
1. CMH Lahore Medical and Dental College, Lahore, Pakistan
2. Fatima Memorial College of Medicine & Dentistry, Lahore, Pakistan
Muhammad Tayyab Ijaz
Namra Ijaz
Correspondencia: Muhammad Tayyab Ijaz, /
Más allá de los estetoscopios: avances en la precisión
diagnóstica en cardiología pediátrica Una revisión narrativa
Revisión de Literatura
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 47 | VOL.25 N°2 (2024) Mayo-Agosto
Revisión de Literatura
y el defecto del tabique auricular pueden malinterpretarse como soplos inocentes, lo que resalta las limitacio-
nes de los métodos tradicionales. Si bien la auscultación cardíaca sigue siendo una herramienta de preselec-
ción rentable, su eficacia se ve obstaculizada aún más por la subjetividad y la experiencia requeridas para la
interpretación. Una comparación global de las habilidades de auscultación entre los residentes de medicina
interna reveló un desempeño subóptimo, lo que enfatiza la necesidad de soluciones innovadoras. La integra-
ción de la tecnología y la inteligencia artificial (IA) en cardiología pediátrica ofrece una vía prometedora para
mejorar la precisión del diagnóstico y la atención al paciente. Este artículo explora el impacto transformador
de la tecnología y la IA en la cardiología diagnóstica abordando las limitaciones de la auscultación tradicional.
Palabras Claves: inteligencia artificial, ecocardiografía, auscultación cardíaca, enfermedades cardíacas, aná-
lisis de los sonidos cardíacos.
Auscultation, a long-standing and essential
method for detecting heart diseases, traces
its origins back to the ancient Greek physi-
cian, Hippocrates. In the 19th century, physi-
cians employed direct ear-to-chest contact
for screening. However, in 1816, René Laen-
nec revolutionized this practice with the in-
vention of a 31 cm-long cylindrical wooden
stethoscope1. Further modifications, such as
the incorporation of rubber tubing in 1829,
culminated in the contemporary stethosco-
pe design established in 1926.
In more than 50% of children and adoles-
cents, auscultation reveals innocent heart
murmurs, with the highest frequency obser-
ved between the ages of 3-6 years and
8-12 years2. A murmur is an abnormal sound
arising from turbulent blood flow, which
occurs due to increased flow or structural
heart defects that disrupt the normal har-
monious flow of blood. This phenomenon
is usually absent in normal vascular con-
ditions, where blood flow is smooth and
silent. These are further classified into inno-
cent and pathological murmurs. Innocent
murmurs are asymptomatic and occur in
anatomically and physiologically normal
hearts. The diverse nature of murmurs, in
terms of timing, duration, intensity, pitch,
and shape, is linked to various structural
heart diseases, enabling their identification
and understanding3,4,5.
Organic murmurs, associated with con-
ditions such as aortic stenosis, pulmonary
stenosis, and atrial septal defect (ASD), can
be mistaken for innocent murmurs. Distin-
guishing between these types demands a
high level of expertise in cardiac ausculta-
tion, as other non-cardiac conditions, such
as supraclavicular or carotid murmurs, may
mimic the murmur of aortic stenosis, coarc-
tation, carotid stenosis, or subclavian artery
Cardiac murmurs oer invaluable insights
into cardiovascular pathologies. While car-
diac auscultation is a widely accessible
method, its eectiveness relies on expert
interpretation, posing challenges in resour-
ce-constrained settings. Limited access to
clinical experts and infrastructure hinders
widespread screening and management of
cardiac diseases in such environments.
Is there a need for improved ausculta-
tion in pediatric population?
Congenital heart anomalies (CHA) pose a
significant challenge in pediatric healthcare,
occurring at an incidence rate of 0.8 to 1%
per 1000 live births6,7. Although traditional
screening methods, such as second-trimes-
ter ultrasonography and postnatal clinical
examination, are used, their detection rates
for CHA are limited, resulting in undiagnosed
cases, particularly with the trend of early
hospital discharge. It is estimated that over
half of children with CHA remain undiagno-
sed despite routine clinical examinations8,9,10.
A significant proportion of neonates with
audible murmurs in the neonatal period
have structural heart defects, making it di-
fficult to distinguish innocent from organic
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 48 | VOL.25 N°2 (2024) Mayo-Agosto
Revisión de Literatura
heart murmurs based on auscultative cha-
racteristics11. This distinction is essential for
healthcare professionals involved in heart
disease screening.
In a study involving over 900 children with
innocent-sounding murmurs at a pediatric
cardiology clinic, abnormal findings in me-
dical history, physical examination, or diag-
nostic tests showed 67% sensitivity but only
38% specificity for detecting structural heart
lesions in infants under six weeks. Sensitivi-
ty increased to 100% in infants older than
six weeks, but specificity decreased to 28%.
While this information is helpful in ruling out
structural causes of an innocent murmur in
older infants and children, it lacks utility in
younger infants12. A Norwegian study revea-
led that only 10% of children referred to
a cardiac center for investigating a car-
diac murmur were diagnosed with a con-
genital cardiac lesion, with 71% of referrals
made by general practitioners, and only
17% providing a diagnosis13. The diagnosis
of an innocent heart murmur in children
and adolescents is based on specific cri-
teria, including the absence of abnormal
physical examination findings (except the
murmur), a negative review of systems, a
history without risk-increasing features for
structural heart disease, and distinctive aus-
cultatory characteristics14,15. These criteria
do not apply to newborns or infants under
one year of age, as a higher prevalence of
asymptomatic structural heart disease exists
within this population16. It is recommended
that, in situations where the classification of
an innocent murmur is unclear, a referral for
echocardiography or to a pediatric cardio-
logist be considered.
Pediatric cardiologists exhibit a higher level
of accuracy in identifying structural heart
defects in infants and children presenting
with heart murmurs; their sensitivity in de-
tecting pathological heart murmurs in new-
borns ranges from 80.5% to 94.9%, with
specificity varying between 25% and 92%17.
The accuracy of a pediatric cardiologist in
identifying pathological murmurs depends
on several factors, including diagnostic
confidence. In newborns presenting with a
heart murmur, it may be deemed unneces-
sary to perform an echocardiography if a
pediatric cardiologist can confidently diag-
nose an innocent murmur18. Nonetheless,
considering the relatively high prevalence
of structural heart disease in asymptomatic
newborns with murmurs, further diagnostic
measures should be considered.
This underscores the urgent need to enhan-
ce medical practitioners’ ability to identify
murmurs indicative of structural heart di-
sease. Having received FDA approval for
aiding physicians in detecting abnormal
heart murmurs, Computer-aided ausculta-
tion (CAA) emerges as a potential solution
to this dilemma.
Is digital technology required in auscul-
tation devices?
Cardiac auscultation with stethoscopes re-
mains a widely used and cost-effective me-
thod for cardiac pre-screening. However,
its diagnostic sensitivity and accuracy are
limited due to the expertise and experien-
ce required for accurate interpretation, and
the data acquired through auscultation is
subjective and lacks a permanent, objective
record. This information is challenging to re-
plicate among different examiners, leading
to substantial disagreement among medi-
cal professionals19,20,21. Furthermore, inade-
quate training of healthcare professionals
in cardiac auscultation has been raised as
a concern over the past decade. Despite
the potential cost-effectiveness of cardiac
auscultation, both students and clinicians
often demonstrate incompetence in perfor-
ming it effectively22. A research study was
conducted with 314 senior internal medi-
cine and family practice residents from di-
verse training programs across the United
States. The findings revealed that only 20%
of abnormal heart sounds were accurately
identified from auscultatory tapes. Although
residents who received formal auscultatory
training demonstrated greater confidence,
their accuracy did not significantly increa-
se23. Moreover, a comparison of ausculta-
tion skills among internal medicine trainees
in the U.S., Canada, and Britain indicated
suboptimal performance in all three coun-
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 49 | VOL.25 N°2 (2024) Mayo-Agosto
Revisión de Literatura
tries, with slightly better results in Canada24.
Therefore, the development of tools for au-
tomated classification of specific murmur
types is necessary and clinically significant.
While experienced cardiologists can suc-
cessfully distinguish specific heart sound
patterns, young and inexperienced physi-
cians face challenges in making accurate
diagnoses through auscultation.
Recent innovation in cardiac diagnostics
In light of the limitations associated with
auscultation, phonocardiography was
developed. The visual representation of
acoustic data allowed for a more accura-
te assessment of the timing and acoustic
characteristics of heart sounds and mur-
murs compared to traditional auscultation25.
Echocardiography has experienced signifi-
cant advancements since its inception over
30 years ago, when Keidel pioneered the
use of ultrasound to explore the heart26.
The introduction of two-dimensional echo-
cardiography significantly revolutionized the
field, enabling real-time and cross-sectio-
nal imaging. The transition from M-mode to
two-dimensional imaging, coupled with the
integration of Doppler and color flow, has
established echocardiography as an indis-
pensable diagnostic tool in cardiology27. The
progression towards three-dimensional (3D)
imaging represents a notable development,
providing real-time volumetric imaging and
enhancing accuracy in evaluating cardiac
chamber volumes. This technology offers
comprehensive views of cardiac structures,
facilitating surgical interventions and posto-
perative assessments. The ongoing refine-
ment of 3D imaging ensures its integration
into routine clinical practice28.
While echocardiography offers numerous
benefits, primary care physicians should
also be cognizant of its limitations. Approxi-
mately 5% to 10% of studies may be in-
sufficient for interpretation due to patient
demographics and the echocardiography
lab’s experience. Additionally, operator de-
pendence is a concern, affecting data ac-
quisition and interpretation. Reproducibility
can be challenging, and there are no stan-
dard criteria for age-related valve changes.
The qualitative and subjective nature of
color flow imaging in valvular regurgitation
grading adds to these concerns, although
quantitative techniques are emerging. It is
also worth noting that diagnostic errors are
common in pediatric echocardiography
conducted in community-based adult labs29.
Acoustic cardiography
The acoustic cardiography technology,
which is a more recent advancement,
enables the simultaneous acquisition of
both electrocardiogram (ECG) and car-
diac acoustical data. This user-friendly and
cost-effective approach allows for a detai-
led assessment of the left ventricular func-
tion during systole and diastole. The present
system oers a computerized analysis and
graphical portrayal of its findings. Its medi-
cal applications extend to the evaluation of
illnesses such as heart failure, ischemia, car-
diac arrhythmias, and the optimization of
cardiovascular medication and equipment
The application of acoustic cardiography,
which utilizes digital data for automated
interpretation, eliminates the necessity for
specialized expertise in heart sound or
ECG data analysis. By employing standardi-
zed sensor locations, uniform filtering, and
processing, this approach surpasses the la-
bor-intensive nature of traditional phonocar-
diography. The Audicor® technology allows
for continuous recording of concurrent
sound and ECG data, facilitating cardiovas-
cular monitoring and optimizing cardiac sy-
nchronization therapy devices. Studies have
demonstrated its efficacy in assessing sys-
tolic and diastolic function in heart failure
patients, as well as in monitoring patients
undergoing cardiotoxic chemotherapy 31.
Additionally, its early detection capability
for acutely decompensated heart failure in
emergency units has been showcased by
Collins et al32,33. The cost-effectiveness and
user-friendly nature of acoustic cardiogra-
phy make it a practical tool for mass scree-
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 50 | VOL.25 N°2 (2024) Mayo-Agosto
Revisión de Literatura
ning, particularly in regions with prevalent
diseases such as rheumatic heart disease34.
Overall, acoustic cardiography emerges as
a reliable and cost-eective alternative to
echocardiographic methods, demonstrating
comparable efficacy to invasive cardiac
catheterization and noninvasive echocar-
diography. By seamlessly integrating with
routine ECG testing, it swiftly addresses the
unmet clinical need for expedited and ac-
curate diagnoses in emergency settings.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Lear-
Artificial intelligence has become increasin-
gly prevalent in the field of computer-aided
diagnosis in recent years. Artificial Intelligen-
ce (AI) manifests as a type of intelligen-
ce displayed by devices, emulating human
cognitive functions such as learning and
problem-solving. Machine Learning (ML),
a subset of AI, involves creating and tra-
ining mathematical models using extensive
datasets. The healthcare sector has increa-
singly integrated ML, utilizing algorithmic
advancements and the abundance of “big
data” to enhance diagnostics, improve test
reliability, reduce errors related to cogniti-
ve bias, engage patients, and streamline
administration35. In cardiovascular medicine,
ML applications have expanded to include
conditions like heart failure, cardiomyopathy,
hypertension, and coronary artery disease,
with recent focus on mitral and tricuspid
valve disorders36,37,38.
Particularly noteworthy is the progress made
in detecting and classifying heart sounds
using artificial neural networks (ANNs) and
deep neural networks (DNNs). Jou-Kou
Wang et al. proposed a novel algorithm,
the temporal attentive pooling–convolutio-
nal recurrent neural network (TAP-CRNN)
model, for automatically identifying systolic
murmurs in patients with ventricular septal
defects (VSD)39.
In the field of medical imaging, a significant
challenge is the reliance on skilled opera-
tors for tasks such as image acquisition, in-
terpretation, and decision-making. Artificial
Intelligence (AI) presents a transformative
solution, utilizing Machine Learning (ML)
to acquire expertise in rule learning and
pattern recognition from diverse datasets.
These datasets include essential factors like
pixel density, brightness, vector movement,
and measurements. Segmentation allows
for the division of images or volumes into
landmarks, facilitating automated measure-
ments of 2D dimensions or Doppler veloci-
ties, thereby enhancing reproducibility and
efficiency40,41. Furthermore, the implementa-
tion of deep learning algorithms reduces
the reliance on highly trained individuals,
offering automated analysis of chamber vo-
lumes and function42. Additionally, AI’s ability
to facilitate remote training enables skill de-
velopment without the need for in-person
contact, which is particularly beneficial in
underserved communities43.
Super Stethoscopes
Furthermore, Shimpei et al.44 introduced the
Super StethoScope, a device designed to
capture and record both electrocardio-
graphic and heart sounds, which facilitates
the detection of heart rate variability and
enhances the signal-to-noise ratio in the
audible frequency range, while also captu-
ring heart sounds across both audible and
inaudible frequency ranges. This innovative
device enabled the visualization of quan-
titative results, ensuring precise data inter-
pretation during remote auscultations, while
mitigating potential disruptions arising from
fluctuations in sound quality.
The use of digital stethoscopes has the
potential to significantly enhance the de-
tection of murmurs through the conversion
of acoustic sounds into electronic signals,
which can then be amplified, filtered, and
digitalized. This technology, when combined
with advanced analysis software, has the
potential to transform auscultation into a
more objective and quantitative tool for cli-
nical heart evaluation. This innovation has
the potential to enhance the assessment
of innocent murmurs, mitigate the variabili-
ty resulting from human acoustic limitations,
and improve the teaching of cardiac aus-
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 51 | VOL.25 N°2 (2024) Mayo-Agosto
Revisión de Literatura
and technology experts, and establishing
strict regulatory frameworks. The urgency
of transitioning from conventional methods
to advanced, technology-driven approa-
ches is crucial in ensuring improved cardiac
care for pediatric patients. However, only
the future will determine whether the bi-
naural stethoscope will become a relic of
the past, like its predecessor, the monaural
stethoscope, or will remain a relevant and
valuable clinical diagnostic tool.
Author contributions:
Conceptualization: MTI. Investigation: MTI,
NI. Resources: MTI. Writing – Original Draft:
MTI, NI. Writing – Review & Editing: MTI, NI.
Visualization: MTI, NI. Supervision: MTI. Pro-
ject administration: MTI.
Disclaimer: None.
Funding: None.
Conflict of interest: None.
Ethical statement: No ethical approval
was required as this study did not involve
human participants or laboratory animals.
Data availability: Data sharing is not
applicable to this article as no new data
were created or analyzed in this study.
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be a potential solution to this problem. The
implementation of Computer-Aided Auscul-
tation (CAA) in educational programs could
represent an important step in addressing
these challenges and improving healthcare
In summary, the progression of computer
and AI-based auscultation in pediatric car-
diology offers a promising prospect for en-
hancing diagnostic accuracy and patient
care. To capitalize on this potential, it is es-
sential for healthcare professionals, resear-
chers, and policymakers to actively support
and incorporate these technologies into
everyday practice. This includes providing
ongoing education on AI implementation,
nurturing collaboration between clinicians
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Pagína 52 | VOL.25 N°2 (2024) Mayo-Agosto
Revisión de Literatura
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