Impact of COVID-19 on Neonatal Anthropometrics: A Comparative
Analysis of Public and Private Hospital Admissions in Quito (2019-2020)
Impacto del COVID-19 en la antropometría neonatal: un análisis comparativo
de los ingresos hospitalarios públicos y privados en Quito (2019-2020)
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría
Editorial: Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Pediatría (Núcleo de Quito, Ecuador)
Tipo de estudio: Artículo Original
Área de estudio: Odontopediatría
Páginas: 10-20
Codígo DOI:
Introduction: The health of mothers and newborns has been of particular interest during the COVID-19 pan-
demic in Quito. This study aims to compare the admissions and anthropometric data of newborns between
a public and a private Ecuadorian hospital before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Material and Me-
thods: This study used anthropometric data from 5,375 newborns collected from medical records of “Hospital
General Docente de Calderón” (a public institution) and the “Hospital Metropolitano de Quito” (a private ins-
titution) between September 2019 and October 2020. Data on sex, gestational age, birth weight, length, and
head circumference were obtained for each newborn. The z-score and centile were calculated according to
international standards for newborns from the Intergrowth-21st Project. Results: Newborns in public hospitals
had a higher gestational age (OR=1.16, 95%CI 1.12-1.21). During the pandemic, births were more likely to occur
in private hospitals than in public hospitals (OR=0.45, 95%CI 0.38-0.54). Private hospitals were more likely to
have newborns with a lower head circumference (HC) z-score compared to public hospitals (OR=0.68, 95%CI
0.63-0.73). Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a higher incidence of births in private hospitals.
No differences were found in the birth weights of newborns for their gestational age between those born in
public and private hospitals.
Key Words: neonatology, parturition, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19.
Juan Carlos Jácome1, Susana Eulalia Dueñas Matute2, Elina Yánez3, Mariuxi Chipe3, Leysi Sánchez3,
Fernando Aguinaga5, Francis Ponce4, Verónica Guzmán5, Patricia Benavides6, Alexander Gallardo1,
Luis Castillo7, Edson Zangiacomi Martínez8, Carmen Amelia Salvador Pinos1
Recibido: 10/feb/2024 - Aceptado: 12/mayo/2024 - Publicado: 30/ago/2024
1. Chair of Genetics, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
2. Chair of Pediatrics, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
3. Neonatology Department, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
4. Postgraduate Pediatrics, Escuela de Medicina, Hospital General Docente de Calderón, Quito, Ecuador
5. Neonatology Department, Hospital Metropolitano, Quito, Ecuador
6. Docencia, Hospital General Docente de Calderón, Quito, Ecuador
7. Facultad de Ingeniería, Ciencias Físicas y Matemática, Universidad Central del Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador
8. Ribeirão Preto Medical School, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Av. Bandeirantes 3900, Monte Alegre, Ribeirão Preto, SP 14049-900, Brazil.
Artículo Original
JuanJácome Navarrete
Susana Eulalia Dueñas Matute
Elina Yánez
Mariuxi Chipe
Leysi Sánchez
Fernando Aguinaga
Francis Ponce
Verónica Guzmán
Patricia Benavides
Alexander Gallardo
Luis Castillo
Edson Zangiacomi-Martínez
Carmen Amelia Salvador-Pinos
Correspondencia: Carmen Salvador Pinos
Iquique N14-121 y Sodiro -Itchimbía, Sector El Dorado
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 11 | VOL.25 N°2 (2024) Mayo-Agosto
Introducción: La salud de madres y recién nacidos ha sido de particular interés durante la pandemia de
COVID-19 en Quito. Este estudio tiene como objetivo comparar las admisiones y los datos antropométricos de
los recién nacidos entre un hospital público y un hospital privado en Ecuador antes y durante la pandemia de
COVID-19. Material y Métodos: Este estudio utilizó datos antropométricos de 5,375 recién nacidos recogidos
de los registros médicos del “Hospital General Docente de Calderón” (una institución pública) y el “Hospital Me-
tropolitano de Quito” (una institución privada) entre septiembre de 2019 y octubre de 2020. Se obtuvieron datos
sobre el sexo, la edad gestacional, el peso al nacer, la longitud y la circunferencia de la cabeza del neonato.
El puntaje z y el percentil se calcularon según los estándares internacionales con el Proyecto Intergrowth-21st.
Resultados: Los recién nacidos en hospitales públicos tenían una mayor edad gestacional (OR=1.16, IC95%
1.12-1.21). Durante la pandemia, era más probable que los nacimientos ocurrieran en el hospital privado que en
hospital público (OR=0.45, IC95% 0.38-0.54). En el hospital privado tenían más probabilidades de tener recién
nacidos con un menor puntaje z de circunferencia de la cabeza (HC) en comparación con el hospital público
(OR=0.68, IC95% 0.63-0.73). Conclusiones: La pandemia de COVID-19 ha llevado a una mayor incidencia de
nacimientos en hospitales privados. No se encontraron diferencias en los pesos al nacer de los recién nacidos
según su edad gestacional entre los nacidos en hospitales públicos y privados.
Palabras Claves: neonatología, parto, SARS-CoV-2, COVID-19.
The first case of COVID-19 in Ecuador was
reported in Guayaquil on February 29, 2020,
concerning a citizen who had recently re-
turned from Spain1. On March 11, the Ecua-
dorian government declared a “State of
Health Emergency in all national health sys-
tem establishments”1 and by July 2024, there
were 732.038 cumulative cases of COVID-19
confirmed in the country, with 34.533 dea-
ths2. In the early months of the pandemic,
the coastal regions were most affected by
COVID-19, with higher mortality rates than
those reported in the highland regions3. The
concentration of the pandemic in some re-
gions of Ecuador was directly proportional
to some indicators of poverty and health4.
There was a late implementation of res-
trictive measures of social distancing and
limited capacity in health services(5). Guaya-
quil, for example, is regarded as an impor-
tant industrial and commercial center of the
coastal region and has experienced the hi-
ghest poverty rate among Ecuador’s largest
cities over the past five years4. In sum, the
literature has to highlight the associations
between socioeconomic determinants and
the dynamics of the COVID-19 spread, and
inequities in access to basic health services
can contribute to worsening the health of
people in situations of social and economic
vulnerability. The availability of vaccines for
COVID-19 has brought hope for the miti-
gation of the disease. Still, studies on the
ability of health care facilities to provide
adequate resources to the population in
times of pandemics are essential for plan-
ning new interventions that can reduce in-
equalities and improve health. Among these
facilities are those focused on maternal and
child health.
The health of mothers and newborns has
been of particular interest to the medi-
cal community, given that pregnant mo-
thers and young children are considered
a vulnerable population. The current litera-
ture supports that pregnant women with
COVID-19 may be at an increased risk of
adverse pregnancy and birth outcomes.
SARS-CoV-2 infection at the time of birth is
associated with higher fetal death rates, ia-
trogenic preterm labour, preeclampsia, and
emergency caesarean delivery6–8. The risk
of vertical transmission of COVID-19 is su-
ggested to be low and may not be affec-
ted by the severity of maternal disease9–11.
However, in addition to clinical factors, a
North-American multicentre cohort study
showed that high maternal social vulnerabi-
lity is associated with a higher likelihood of
neonatal test result positivity12. In this study,
2.2% of the neonates born to mothers with
SARS-CoV-2 infection had positive results
during the birth hospitalization12. The au-
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 12 | VOL.25 N°2 (2024) Mayo-Agosto
Artículo Original
thors argued that the particular pathways
by which social disadvantage may affect
mother-to-child transmission of SARS-CoV-2
include differential access to care and clini-
cian bias. Therefore, the evaluation of neo-
natal outcomes during the pandemic, the
social aspects and vulnerability situation of
mothers, and the monitoring and evalua-
tion of health facilities are still needed to
prevent and protect neonatal health in ti-
mes of pandemic by COVID-19.
A retrospective medical record-based study
carried out in one of the largest public birth
clinics in Vienna, Austria, showed that the
rate of very low gestational age was sig-
nificantly lower during the lockdown phase
due to COVID-19 (March to July 2020) than
during the pre-lockdown phase13. In addi-
tion, the mean birth weight was higher du-
ring the lockdown phase, and the rates of
low, very low, and extremely low birth wei-
ght were lower during the lockdown pha-
se13. Other studies also showed a decrease
in preterm births during the COVID-19 lock-
down14–18, suggesting that the stressful lock-
down phase have no significantly negative
effect on the preterm birth rates and new-
born weight among non-infected mothers.
However, Cuestas et al.19 cautioned that
most of these studies originated in high-in-
come countries and all of them assessed
a short lockdown period. As a result, more
attention must be paid to these indicators
in middle- and low-income countries in or-
der to gain a better understanding of the
potential effects of COVID-19 social distan-
cing measures on neonatal health indica-
tors in different populations. Ecuador is a
medium-income country with a Human De-
velopment Index score of 0.759 and about
25% of its population lives below the pover-
ty threshold (United Nations Development
Programme20. It was conceived as interes-
ting to think about what happened in Ecua-
dor in this period because this information
could be useful in the future.
This study aims to compare maternal and
neonatal outcomes of women who gave
birth in two Ecuadorian maternity hospitals
(a public and a private), between a pre-pan-
demic COVID-19 period (from September
2019 to February 2020) and a pandemic
period (from March to October 2020).
Design and participants
This study was designed as an observa-
tional, cross sectional study with retrospec-
tive data collection. Data were obtained
from medical records of 4,625 newborns
at the Calderón General Teaching Hospital
(CGTH), a public facility, and 750 newborns
at the Quito Metropolitan Hospital (QMH),
a private facility, between September 2019
and October 2020. Both maternity hospitals
are located in Quito, Ecuador. For compa-
risons, the study period was divided into
pre-pandemic (before March 2020) and
during pandemic (after March 2020). Neo-
nates were excluded from the study popu-
lation for missing data, gestational age less
than 24 weeks or greater than 42 weeks, or
major congenital anomalies. Twin births are
also excluded.
Ethical issues
The study protocol was approved by the
medical ethical committees of the Universi-
dad Central del Ecuador (UCE), Ministerio
de Salud Pública and Hospital General
Docente de Calderón . All mothers gave
their written informed consent for themsel-
ves and their children. After signing the con-
sent form, no personal contact was made
with any of the subjects, and all information
was obtained from medical records.
Data collected included sex, gestational
age (GA), birth weight, length, and head
circumference. The z-scores for neonatal
weight, length, and head circumference
(HC) according to sex and gestational age
at birth were determined using the online
Intergrowth-21st calculator (21,22). The neo-
nates were classified according to gesta-
tional age on admission into three groups.
The first group included the preterm infants
(GA less than 37 weeks), the second group
included the term infants (GA ranged from
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 13 | VOL.25 N°2 (2024) Mayo-Agosto
Artículo Original
370/7 to 416/7 weeks), and the third group
included the post-term infants (GA greater
than 420/7) (23). According to the Inter-
growth-21st, infants born with a birth weight
below the 10th percentile were classified as
small for gestational age (SGA), infants with
a birth weight between the 10th and 90th
percentile for gestational age were clas-
sified as appropriate for gestational age
(AGA), and infants above the 90th percen-
tile were classified as large for gestational
age (LGA).
Statistical methods
The variables were present in means with
standard deviations for continuous variables
or proportions for categorical variables. The
differences between pre-pandemic and du-
ring a pandemic, and between public and
private hospitals, were evaluated with a sig-
nificance level of 0.05. Student t-tests were
used for variables with a no-skewed distri-
bution and chi-square tests were used to
evaluate differences in proportions.
For the purpose of classification among
hospital types, a logistic regression model
was used with the type of hospital as the
dependent variable (classified as a dum-
my variable where 0 is a private hospital
and 1 is a public hospital). The following
independent variables were included: GA
(weeks), time (before pandemic=0, during
pandemic=1), length z-score, weight z-sco-
re, HC z-score, and sex (female=0, male=1).
First, univariate models were used with the
dependent variable with each independent
variable, with a significance level of 0.05.
The significant variables were used in a fi-
nal logistic regression model. Results were
presented as odds ratios (OR) with their
95% confidence intervals (95%CI).
In addition, three univariate linear regres-
sion models were fitted, including the length
z-score, weight z-score, and HC z-score as
dependent variables. The independent va-
riables were the type of hospital (private =
0, public = 1), time (before pandemic = 0,
during pandemic = 1) and sex (female = 0,
male = 1). A final linear regression model
was fitted, considering the independent va-
riables “significant” at a significance level of
0.05 in the univariate models. The data was
presented as “beta” coefficients with their
corresponding 95%CI. All statistical analysis
was performed using Stata version 16 (Sta-
taCorp, Cary, USA).
The sample comprised an equal number of
male and female newborns, with the ge-
neral characteristics detailed in Table 1. No-
tably, the gestational age (GA) of children
born in public hospitals was higher than
those born in private hospitals (p<0.001).
Across all neonates, the mean weight was
3.03 kg and the mean height was 47.99 cm.
Although the tests comparing the means
showed relatively small p-values, no clini-
cally significant differences were found in
the weight, height, and length of children
between the public and private hospitals.
Additionally, there was a significant increase
in births in private institutions (73.6%) during
the pandemic (p<0.001).
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 14 | VOL.25 N°2 (2024) Mayo-Agosto
Tabla 1. Population characteristics.
Table 2. Anthropometric variables pre-pandemic and during pandemic.
Variables Total
n= 4625
n= 750 p-value
Maternal delivery; % (n)
Pre-pandemic 41.9 (2254) 44.5 (2056) 26.4 (198) <0.001
During pandemic 58.1 (3121) 55.5 (2569) 73.6 (552)
Female; %(n) 49.4 (2657) 49.5 (2289) 49.1 (368) 0.829
GA; (days); mean (SD) 271.28 (11.70) 271.75 (11.78) 268.39 (10.82) <0.001
Weight; (kg); mean (SD) 3.03 (0.46) 3.03 (0.47) 2.99 (0.43) 0.011
Weight; (Z-score); mean (SD) -0.27 (0.93) -0.28 (0.95) -0.22 (0.84) 0.068
Length; (cm); mean (SD) 47.99 (2.56) 48.03 (2.55) 47.71 (2.57) 0.001
Length; (Z-score); mean (SD) -0.4 (1.14) -0.4 (1.15) -0.43 (1.06) 0.439
HC; (cm); mean (SD) 34.06 (1.45) 34.01 (1.46) 34.34 (1.40) <0.001
HC; (Z-Score); mean (SD) 0.44 (1.06) 0.38 (1.06) 0.82 (0.96) <0.001
GA= gestational age; HC=head circumference; SD=standard deviation.
P-values refer to chi-square tests or Student t tests as appropriate
On the other hand, Table 2 shows that there
is no evidence of differences in the frequen-
cy of preterm or post-term births before or
during the pandemic (p=0.161). Additionally,
we did not find significant differences in the
frequency of births with small, adequate, or
large head circumference and weight ac-
cording to the z-score for gestational age
before and during the pandemic (p=0.471
and p=0.310, respectively). However, during
the pandemic, the number of SGA (Small
for Gestational Age) and LGA (Large for
Gestational Age) neonates increased, and
the number of AGA (Appropriate for Gesta-
tional Age) neonates decreased according
to length (p<0.001).
Variables Total
n= 2254
During pandemic
n= 3121 p-value
Gestational age; %(n)
Preterm 9.1 (489) 8.5 (192) 9.5 (297) 0.161
Term 90.3 (4853) 90.7 (2044) 90.0 (2809)
Post term 0.6 (33) 0.8 (18) 0.5 (15)
Weight; (Z-Score); %(n)
SGA 21.3 (1146) 21.8 (492) 21.0 (654) 0.310
AGA 70.4 (3785) 70.6 (1590) 70.3 (2195)
LGA 8.3 (444) 7.6 (172) 8.7 (272)
Length; (Z-Score); %(n)
SGA 27.4 (1475) 24.9 (562) 29.3 (913) 0.002
AGA 63.7 (3422) 66.2 (1492) 61.8 (1930)
LGA 8.9 (478) 8.9 (200) 8.9 (278)
HC; (Z-Score); %(n)
SGA 8.1 (438) 8.3 (187) 8.1 (251) 0.471
AGA 62.5 (3358) 63.2 (1425) 61.9 (1933)
LGA 29.4 (1579) 28.5 (642) 30.0 (937)
SGA=small for gestational age; AGA= adequate for gestational age; LGA= large for gestational age.
P-values refer to chi-square test
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 15 | VOL.25 N°2 (2024) Mayo-Agosto
Table 3. Results of the logistic regression model. Associations between public hospital, ges-
tational age, during pandemic, and anthropometrics z-score measurements.
Table 4. Results of the univariate and multiple regression models for neonate length z-score,
weight z-score and HC z-score with sex, gestational age, public hospital, during COVID-19
The logistic regression analysis reveals se-
veral key findings. Neonates born in public
hospitals are more likely to have a higher
gestational age (OR=1.16, CI=1.12-1.21). Further-
more, during the pandemic, there was a
higher likelihood of births occurring in pri-
vate hospitals compared to public hospitals
Regarding the length z-score, the regres-
sion model indicates that the z-score de-
creases by β=-0.027 (CI=-0.05; -0.01) with
each increase in gestational age, and there
was an average decrease of β=-0.102 (CI=-
0.16; -0.04) during the COVID-19 pandemic.
For the weight z-score, the model shows
an increase of β=-0.06 (CI=-0.11; -0.01) if the
newborn is male, and a change of β=-0.033
(CI=-0.05; -0.02) with each increase in gesta-
(OR=0.45, CI=0.38-0.54). Neonates born in
private hospitals also exhibited a lower HC
z-score than those born in public hospitals
(OR=0.68, CI=0.63-0.73). However, no signi-
ficant associations were found with length
z-score, weight z-score, and sex. These re-
sults are detailed in Table 3.
tional age. Lastly, the HC z-score decreases
by β=-0.100 (CI=-0.16; -0.04) if the newborn
is male, changes by β=-0.05 (CI=-0.07; -0.03)
with each increase in gestational age and
increases by β=-0.417 (CI=-0.5; -0.34) if born
in a public hospital. These results are detai-
led in Table 4, which presents the findings
of the linear regression used to identify
changes in the z-scores of the newborns’
anthropometric variables.
Model: Private=0 Univariate Multiple model
Public=1 OR (95%CI); p-value OR (95%CI); p-value
GA (weeks) 1.164 (1.12, 1.21), p = 0.001 1.143 (1.09, 1.19), p = 0.001
During pandemic 0.448 (0.38, 0.53), p = 0.001 0.451 (0.38, 0.54), p = 0.001
Length z-score 1.027 (0.96, 1.10), p = 0.439 --
Weight z-score 0.932 (0.86, 1.01), p = 0.094 --
HC z-score 0.672 (0.62, 0.72), p = 0.001 0.678 (0.63, 0.73), p = 0.001
Male 0.983 (0.84, 1.15), p = 0.829 --
GA= gestational age; HC=head circumference; CI=confidence interval
β; (95%CI)
GA (weeks)
β; (95%CI)
β; (95% CI)
During pandemic
β; (95% CI)
Length z-score
Univariate -0.018 (-0.08, 0.04) 0.552 -0.025 (-0.04, -0.01) 0.007 0.035 (-0.05, 0.12) 0.439 -0.097 (-0.16, -0.04) 0.002
Multiple -- -0.027 (-0.05, -0.01) 0.004 -- -0.102 (-0.16, -0.04) 0.001
Weight z-score
Univariate -0.056 (-0.11, -0.01) 0.028 -0.032 (-0.05, -0.02) 0.001 0.061 (-0.13, 0.01) 0.094 0.025 (-0.03, 0.08) 0.337
Multiple -0.06 (-0.11, -0.01) 0.019 -0.033 (-0.05, -0.02) 0.001 -- --
HC z-score
Univariate -0.093 (-0.15, -0.04) 0.001 -0.057 (-0.07, -0.04) 0.001 -0.44 (-0.52, -0.36) 0.001 0.022 (-0.04, 0.08) 0.447
Multiple -0.100 (-0.16, -0.04) 0.001 -0.05 (-0.07, -0.03) 0.001 -0.417 (-0.5, -0.34) 0.001 --
GA= gestational age; HC=head circumference; CI=confidence interval
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 16 | VOL.25 N°2 (2024) Mayo-Agosto
Artículo Original
Finally, Figure 1 shows the z-score varies for
the weight, height, and brain circumference
of the newborn depending on the month
of gestation. It is observed that before the
pandemic of COVID-19, the weight z-score
of children born up to week 36 has more
variation, but after this point it stabilizes. This
trend is also observed for the z-scores of
height and head circumferences. During the
pandemic, the z-score is less variable throu-
ghout the weeks of gestation. For this rea-
son, differences in weight, height, and brain
circumference were not observed, although
quantitative analysis showed that the num-
ber of SGA and LGA newborns increased
according to the height z-score.
Figure 1. The variation of the Z-score for weight, height and HC for -2SD, -1SD, mean, 1SD
and 2SD is shown. Solid Line = before pandemic; broken Line = during pandemic.
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 17 | VOL.25 N°2 (2024) Mayo-Agosto
Artículo Original
Our results showed that the increase in
deliveries performed in a private hospital
was higher than that observed for the pu-
blic hospital. A possible explanation is that,
because of the pandemic, many mothers
are afraid of contagion during care in the
public system, so they prefer private care.
This increase has been more evident in
Ecuador, according to data from Alfredo
Paulson Hospital, of the Guayaquil Board
of Charity. Evidence shows that the private
sector handles a lower incidence of CO-
VID-19 positive patients as compared to the
public sector24, mainly due to the Ecuado-
rian governments plan to centralize those
infected with COVID-19 in public hospitals.
In this study, the average weight of new-
borns was 3.03 kg and the average length
was 47.99 cm, with no clinically important
differences when comparing between the
public and private hospitals. These avera-
ges are similar despite the lower proportion
of caesarean sections (C-sections) in the
public sector of Ecuador when compared
to the private one.
No significant differences were found in the
weight, height, and length of the neonates
in Ecuador. The Sanitary Regulation for the
Certification of Health Facilities as Mother
and Child Friendly (ESAMyN), adapted from
the WHO Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative, is
in force and mandatory for both public and
private hospitals, ensuring quality standards
in maternal and neonatal care(25). A 2019
study in second-level hospitals showed that
obstetrics and medical interns largely com-
ply with these standards, although there is
a need to improve the practice of cutting
the umbilical cord at the appropriate time26.
The widespread compliance with ESAMyN
regulations might explain the lack of sig-
nificant differences in the anthropometric
measurements of neonates, ensuring similar
health conditions at birth. However, other
factors such as genetic predispositions,
environmental influences, maternal health
conditions during pregnancy, and access to
postnatal care should be considered. Futu-
re research should explore these additional
variables to provide a more comprehensive
understanding of the factors affecting neo-
natal health and development in Ecuador.
The C-section rate in Ecuador was 41.3%
from 2015 to 202227. Many C-sections are
planned for convenience rather than me-
dical necessity28, leading to earlier births
compared to vaginal delivery, which allows
neonates more time to gain weight and
length29–31. Studies in Ecuador indicate that
women giving birth in private sectors tend
to have higher incomes than those in pu-
blic sectors32,33, influencing their dietary ha-
bits and maternal nutritional status, which
affects fetal nutrition. Private sector care of-
ten includes nutritional counseling, unlike the
public sector, where such counseling may
be brief or absent34. Additionally, higher-in-
come mothers can afford healthier diets,
while those in the public sector may rely on
low-cost, carbohydrate-based diets35. Ex-
cessive and inadequate maternal nutrition
can lead to excessive weight gain, poten-
tially linked to a sedentary lifestyle during
lockdown or online work. High birth weight
in newborns has been associated with mo-
thers with gestational diabetes who may
not have had adequate preventive care36.
In this study, no significant differences were
found in the percentage of preterm or term
births between before the pandemic and
during it (p = 0.161). This is noteworthy be-
cause the pandemics drastic changes in
lifestyle had the potential to change the
frequency in either direction: a decrease
in preventive controls in pregnant women
could have resulted in more pregnancy
problems ; on the other hand, the more
relaxed conditions of improved nutrition,
home rest, and less workload could have
resulted in a lower rate of preterm delive-
ries37. It was previously mentioned that the
anecdotal experience observed by some
physicians pointed towards a reduction in
the percentage of preterm babies. Howe-
ver, no evidence of this assertion was found
in this study. This may be due to its scope,
which covered only one private hospital
and one public hospital. Both are big and
serve a large population of patients, as evi-
Revista Ecuatoriana de Pediatría | ISSNe: 2737-6494
Pagína 18 | VOL.25 N°2 (2024) Mayo-Agosto
Artículo Original
denced by the sample size, so there is high
confidence in the results, though the results
at a national level may certainly be diffe-
rent. Another, national-scale study would be
necessary to confirm this.
The limitations of the present study include
a lack of information on important variables
such as the C-section rate in each facility
and maternal socioeconomic characteris-
tics. Due to the cross-sectional design of
the study, no conclusions on causality can
be drawn.
Contribución de los autores
JJ, SD, CA: Concepción y diseño del
JJ, SD, CA: Recolección de datos y obten-
ción de resultados.
JJ, SD, CA: Análisis e interpretación de datos
JJ, SD, CA: Redacción del manuscrito.
JJ, SD, CA: Revisión crítica del manuscrito.
JJ, SD, CA: Aprobación de su versión final.
JJ, SD, CA: Aporte de pacientes o material
de estudio.
JJ, SD, CA: Obtención de financiamiento.
JJ, SD, CA: Asesoría estadística.
JJ, SD, CA: Asesoría técnica o administrativa.
Aspectos éticos
El trabajo de investigación fue desarrolla-
do, bajo el método descriptivo con la tabu-
lación de las historias clínicas, para lo cual
no se necesitó la aprobación del Comité
de Ética al no tener intervenciones huma-
nas si no estadísticas.
Se trabajó con fondos propios.
Conflictos de interés
Los autores reportaron no tener ningún
conflicto de interés, personal, financiero, in-
telectual, económico y de interés corpora-
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