Congenital pulmonary malformation of the abscessed airway. Report of two cases

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Marjorie Rodríguez Guerrero
Veronica Castro Palaguachi
Gabriela Alexandra Roldán Masache
Luis Marcano Sanz
Fernanda Llanos Quilli
Miurkis Endis Miranda
Luis Marcano Batista


Congenital malformations of the pulmonary airway are a rare anomaly of the development of the lower respiratory tract due to a maturational failure of bronchiolar structures. Its diagnostic approach can be carried out from the prenatal period with ultrasound, which will guide a timely therapeutic resolution, however, an anatomopathological study is required for confirmation. Two patients with this disease are presented, who presented with infection of the lung tissue involved in the malformation and the surgical resolution by pulmonary lobectomy was successful. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there are no reports in the country of congenital malformations of the type I pulmonary airway that presented with abscesses in their cystic cavities, so their report was considered pertinent.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Guerrero, M., Castro Palaguachi, V., Roldán Masache, G. A., Marcano Sanz, L., Llanos Quilli, F., Endis Miranda, M., & Marcano Batista, L. (2024). Congenital pulmonary malformation of the abscessed airway. Report of two cases. Revista Ecuatoriana De Pediatría, 25(1), 58-63.
Clinical Case
Author Biographies

Marjorie Rodríguez Guerrero, Hospital “Vicente Corral Moscoso”

Hospital “Vicente Corral Moscoso”, Cuenca, Ecuador

Veronica Castro Palaguachi, Hospital “Vicente Corral Moscoso”

Hospital “Vicente Corral Moscoso”, Cuenca, Ecuador

Gabriela Alexandra Roldán Masache, Hospital “Vicente Corral Moscoso”

Hospital “Vicente Corral Moscoso”, Cuenca, Ecuador

Luis Marcano Sanz, Hospital “Vicente Corral Moscoso”

Hospital “Vicente Corral Moscoso”, Cuenca, Ecuador

Fernanda Llanos Quilli, Hospital “Vicente Corral Moscoso”

Hospital “Vicente Corral Moscoso”, Cuenca, Ecuador

Miurkis Endis Miranda, Hospital “Vicente Corral Moscoso”

Hospital “Vicente Corral Moscoso”, Cuenca, Ecuador

Luis Marcano Batista, Clínica Santa Ana

Clínica Santa Ana, Cuenca, Ecuador


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