Fungemia by Cryptococcus neoformans in a child with T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. Review and case report

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Joanna Acebo Arcentales
Katherine Estefania Mariño Brito
Johana Elizabeth Salgado Apunte


Introduction: Cryptococcus neoformans (C. neoformans) is an opportunistic encapsulated yeast that causes infections primarily in immunocompromised patients but, is rare in children. Case: Pediatric patient with T-cell lymphoblastic lymphoma who developed fungemia due to C. neoformans with cutaneous origin. Evolution: The patient evolved favorably, he remained in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) for 18 days and was discharged from the hospital 30 days later in adequate general condition. Conclusion: Cryptococcosis is a rare disease that requires certain associated factors for its establishment, such as the use of corticosteroids, immunodeficiency, chemotherapy, transplantation, etc. It is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, which is why we must consider it in patients like ours with underlying hemato-oncological disease and immunosuppression.


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How to Cite
Acebo Arcentales, J., Mariño Brito, K. E., & Salgado Apunte, J. E. (2024). Fungemia by Cryptococcus neoformans in a child with T-Cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. Review and case report. Revista Ecuatoriana De Pediatría, 25(2), 70-75.
Clinical Case
Author Biographies

Joanna Acebo Arcentales, Hospital Oncológico SOLCA Núcleo de Quito - Hospital Metropolitano

Hospital Oncológico SOLCA Núcleo de Quito; Hospital Metropolitano; Quito, Ecuador

Katherine Estefania Mariño Brito, Hospital Oncológico SOLCA Núcleo de Quito

Hospital Oncológico SOLCA Núcleo de Quito; Quito, Ecuador.

Johana Elizabeth Salgado Apunte, Hospital Oncológico SOLCA Núcleo de Quito

Hospital Oncológico SOLCA Núcleo de Quito; Quito, Ecuador


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