Anthropometric Indicators of HIV-Positive newborns at the Hospital of Guayaquil
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The present scientific article analyzes the prevalence and characteristics of HIV in newborns whose mothers did not receive antiretroviral treatment during pregnancy. It was found that most of these cases correspond to mothers without records of HIV tests or with negative results during pregnancy. HIV diagnosis in children is generally delayed, with the majority being in good health and a minority suffering from malnutrition. Vertical transmission of HIV, from mother to child, is one of the main causes of pediatric infection. The study reveals that 75% of children with pediatric AIDS are born to HIV-positive mothers, especially in developing countries. The study at the hospital in Guayaquil analyzed 41 newborns with HIV and 41 controls, matched by maternal age. Specific patterns were observed in the distribution by blood group and results of HIV and VDRL tests. The analysis showed that HIV-reactive newborns had poorer health indicators at birth, such as lower Apgar scores and smaller head, chest, and abdominal circumferences. The detailed comparison of anthropometric characteristics through percentiles indicated that non-reactive newborns had better overall measurements, although with high variability. Reactive newborns presented lower percentiles, especially in abdominal circumference. The prevalence of low birth weight (LBW) was significantly higher among HIV+ mothers compared to HIV- mothers. Factors such as low CD4 count, mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) <23 cm, and gestational age <37 weeks were determinants of LBW among HIV+ mothers. It is recommended to improve the nutritional status of HIV+ mothers and delay pregnancy until their immune status improves. Healthcare providers should focus on nutritional counseling during prenatal care and the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.
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