Language disorders and their relationship with other neurodevelopmental disorders

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Nicolay Astudillo Mariño
Johanna Alvarez Gavilanez


Introduction and Objectives: Language disorders are persistent difficulties in the acquisition and use of language, which present neurodevelopmental disorders as comorbidity. The objective of the study is to demonstrate the relationship between language disorders as a warning sign of other types of neurodevelopmental disorders in the pediatric population. Methods: An observational, descriptive study was carried out at the Center for Neurological and Nutritional Diseases of Children and Adolescents – CENNA, in the city of Quito-Ecuador, in the period January - May 2024, where patients with a diagnosis of language disorders and the coexistence of comorbidities. Results: 170 patients with language disorders were identified. It predominated in males (78.2%) and the age range of 5-9 years (52.9%). The main comorbidities identified were autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in 34.1%, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in 31.8%, Intellectual Disability (ID) in 17.1%, isolated language disorders in 5.23% and of the total, 24.11% of patients presented a combination of several disorders. Conclusions: Patients with language disorders were associated with multiple neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), as well as other neurological disorders. Early identification of language disorders makes it possible to identify other underlying disorders and initiate timely management to prevent complications in these patients.


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How to Cite
Astudillo Mariño, N., & Alvarez Gavilanez, J. . (2024). Language disorders and their relationship with other neurodevelopmental disorders. Revista Ecuatoriana De Pediatría, 25(3), 16-23.
Original Articles
Author Biographies

Nicolay Astudillo Mariño, Centro de Enfermedades Neurológicas de Niños y Adolescentes – CENNA

Pediatra-Neurólogo Pediatra, Centro de Enfermedades Neurológicas de Niños y Adolescentes – CENNA, Quito - Ecuador

Johanna Alvarez Gavilanez, Universidad Internacional del Ecuador

Médico General, Postgrado de Pediatría; Universidad Internacional del Ecuador (UIDE); Quito, Ecuador


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